The subject of term limits as a topic is not new. It was
debated at the Constitutional Convention and rejected by the Founding Fathers
for what I personally consider, after a careful evaluation, to be good reasons.
But to shorten the research for other people so they don’t have to go through
the agony I did in getting to where I am, I’m going to put the end of my
reasoning here. This topic is also found in the Federalist Papers and various
other writings of the Founding Fathers. Some of them were for term limits, no
doubt, but in the end they were, I think, correctly rejected.
There comes a time when in the observation of human nature,
particularly when it is in the raw area of politics, that you can spot when
people are having a knee-jerk reaction. I don’t like Orrin Hatch, Thad Cochran,
Charles Grassley, Mitch McConnell, John McCain, Patrick Leahy, Harry Reid, Dianne
Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, Nancy Pelosi or pretty much most of the chuckle heads
that get into Congress and seem to stay there forever. Having the Libertarian leanings
that I do I would, in fact, say that my political dislike for them far, far
exceeds that of most of the people.
I completely understand the frustration of the People with
the government but intending no offense to anybody, I think that would be a
knee-jerk reaction. “I don’t like something so I’m going to have the government
make a law to limit it,” is not exactly a good argument for smaller and more limited
government. In fact, what it is is a restriction on the rights of voters to
elect who they want to have serve them.
I’m going to draw an appropriate analogy here. People catch
colds. Their nose gets stuffy, which causes discomfort, so they blow it. The
act of blowing one’s nose is not a cure for the disease of having a cold. It is
just a crude treatment of the symptoms. In order to cure the cold you have to
destroy the virus that drives it then the symptoms go away of their own accord.
There can be no doubt that the symptom of a runny and stuffed up nose is what bothers
the sufferer of a cold. There can also be no doubt that blowing one’s nose
makes him feel better for a little bit until the symptoms return. So, having a
cold and getting it to go away requires a handling that addresses the cause.
Crank up the intake of vitamin C. Get some rest. Eat some chicken soup. Stay
warm. Build up your body’s immunity system so it can do its thing and fight the
Again, meaning no insult to anybody and with my tongue
firmly planted in my cheek, I say that term limits are like blowing your nose. Sure, it
gets the snot out but does nothing to cure the disease.
The foremost reason I’m given for the support of term limits
is something along the lines of, “keeping them from collecting too much power
by staying there too long.” Or, “To end the good old boys club.” So there’s too
much power in Washington. Is the lack of term limits somehow a wide open
invitation to those in Congress to violate the Constitution any old way they
want? I can’t find anything written anywhere that says so. They are bound by
their oath to the Constitution on their last day in the seat just as much as on
their first day. There is nothing anywhere that says they are less responsible
to the People as time passes. Anthony Weiner, for example, was just as much a
corrupted scumbag on his first day as he was on his last. He had as many
connections through the power structure of the Democrat Party on the first day
as his last.
Another person told me we should have term limits to, “get
constitutional leaders.” Here we have a problem of power gained through people
who are in office not following the limits imposed on them in the Constitution.
It makes no difference if they are in office for a year or fifty years, they
can vote for things that are unconstitutional that come to the floor on the
first day. And when they get limited out—because an uninformed public will never, ever, ever vote for the constitutional guy—he or she will just be
replaced with another unconstitutional guy who would vote for the same
unconstitutional policies. The Democrats aren’t lacking in their supply of
unconstitutional idiots. Neither are the Republicans. So as the Doritos
commercial used to say, “Crunch all you want. We’ll make more.”
With regards to the Good Old Boys Clubs, they are called the
Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, etc., parties. Let me say it again, the
political parties are the Good Old
Boys Clubs. Political parties have been around for hundreds of years and they
are not going anywhere, term limits or not. They are already in place and have
permeated the thoughts and policy of the newly elected congressman long before they take their seat. Their firm
belief in, and dedication to following the policies of, whichever Good Old Boys
Club they belong to is how they got there to begin with. It’s in their
acceptance during the nomination process that ensures they will tow the party
line. Long before their first day in
the seat they are part of the Club. That is in fact exactly how they got there.
Ending their term a dozen years or so after the fact will do absolutely nothing
to the Good Old Boys Clubs because when some of them get limited out the Clubs
will just replace them with another
Good Old Boy for the misinformed People to vote for, while his predecessor
becomes a lobbyist or runs for office in the other house.
One friend suggests to me, “The harder party lines they can
draw the more time they have to more effectively prostitute themselves.” I
think by the time they go through the election process it’s too late for that.
They’ve already prostituted themselves well beyond the point of no return.
Other reasons for term limits given to me tend to run along
the line of logic that, “We don’t want professional (or career) politicians.”
This line of logic is pretty diverse in their reasoning and I’ve never been
able to get much sense out of exactly why. In my own universe of thought I want
the best possible person I can get, for as long as possible, in places that are
important to me. For example, my mechanic has been working on every vehicle I’ve
owned since 1987. He’s just that good. Another is my doctor who has been seeing
me for almost twenty years. They are good professional, experienced people. You wouldn’t want the high school graduate in
basic auto mechanics to fix your Ferrari. You wouldn’t want the medical student
who just removed his first appendix yesterday to do your brain surgery.
In the military you don’t want some newbie lieutenant with
no combat experience making the calls. You want the admiral who has been there
for decades, and understands how and why things work, to do it. Why would it be
any different for government? So you don’t want career politicians making the
difficult choices? Okay, would you be more contented with a rank amateur, with
no experience in running the most advanced country on the whole planet, on
whose shoulders the freedom of every living human being rests, during a time of
crisis? How is running the federal government of the United States an entry
level position?
Every four years we decide who the next president should be.
A major question in every single time this happens is, “Does the candidate have
the qualifications and experience to properly do the job?” Yet somehow, once
they’ve been there and gotten that experience, it becomes something that makes
them the wrong person for the job? It’s as if simply by doing the job they
automatically become corrupted. I
submit to you that if they are corrupted it is before they took the office. You just didn’t see it before. A truly
good person cannot become corrupted.
The best reasoning for this argument usually sounds like, “Being
in government should be a temporary job for people who have ‘regular’ jobs.
This way, the government understands and is empathetic toward the problems of working
people/citizens and therefore can make informed decisions that truly affect the
lives of most people. Informed/intelligent citizens are smart enough to
understand the inter-workings of government in short order.”
As much as I love the person whose quote the above is I have
to very respectfully disagree. While
I can think of a lot to say about this from different angles I’m going to only
address what I think is the basic flaw in the argument. The federal government of the United States was not designed to be understanding, empathetic or make any
decisions that truly affect the lives of most people. It was designed to
give the People their own power and freedom to be understanding, empathetic and
make decisions that truly affect the lives of most people for themselves. This is the critical point in the debate. This is
the make/break point between blowing one’s nose and curing the disease. To have
someone rule over you or to rule for yourself? That is the question.
One of my good friends suggests the benefits of term limits
would be, “To end the elitist mentality if they know what is good for us little
people.” Changing from one person who has power over you to another person who
has power over you will not do that. That’s blowing your nose. Only taking the
power away from the people who have power over you will. This is a cure. If an old tiger is chewing on your throat it does no good to replace him with a new tiger. The problem isn't the age of the tiger, it's that he's chewing on your throat.
The thing all of the above have in common is that they are
oriented around the effects of the
problem. Term limits can never fix the problems in Washington because they
aren’t the cause of the problem. So
we have to look at the causes of too much power gathering in Washington to
resolve the problem. In order to do that we have to ask, “Where does power
under the constitutional system come from?” Well that’s easy, the Constitution
of course! Alright then, but how can a document originally designed to limit
federal power be the cause of too much power? The answer is simple and comes
from a very in-depth study of American history. The Constitution was amended to give undue power to the federal
government that the Founders never
intended them to have.
Because I hate to leave people without the solutions, as I see them, I am going to write and second article, “Why Term Limits Won’t Work and What We Should be Doing Instead: Part 2,” which I hope to have published sometime soon.
Sorry; I disagree...!!!
ReplyDeleteDisagree all you like, but I'm hoping you could make a point. :)