This series of articles is for those who want to understand Liberalism at its "best" and techniques I've found helpful in fighting it.

Let’s take a step back from the immediate political crisis
of the moment, put the wide angle lens on the camera, and take a look at why
people buy into things.
The following is a list of some fairly famous government
programs and speeches. Some of which most people have heard of. Some are kind
of obscure.
Starting at number one on the list is a little thing that is
called, “The Great Leap Forward.” Honestly, by the name alone who in their
right mind wouldn’t want to take a great leap forward with their country? It
sounds so hopeful, so optimistic. If you just sit and think about those words
alone right now you would notice yourself beginning to feel an emotion which
would be expressed as, “Wow, I want some of that! Sign me up.” And people who
are against something like that? Lunatics.
How about, “The Cultural Revolution”? Man that sounds great
to some people! You know the people living in the impoverished inner cities
would really think this is a great thing. With broken down buildings falling
apart all over the place, high crime rates, rampant drug abuse, violence,
poverty, starvation, etc., who could deny that a little—or a lot—of revolution
would be the proper order of the day; especially if it involves getting a little—or
a lot—of culture spreading about the place? Again, this is an utterly fantastic
Let’s throw in a leader who gives an inspiring speech with
the appropriate title, “A New Beginning.” Oh my God! What could be better? We
look around us and with all that is going on in the news of the world kind of tend
to think that a new beginning is just what we need! Who in this life has never
wished for a redo? So this New Beginning guy; that’s my man! A little bit of
positive and inspirational talk in a leader never hurt anybody so I’m gonna
vote for him!
As great as the so far listed programs and speeches are concerned,
none of them compare to, “The Wellspring of Life.” This one just makes people
kind of sit back in their chair and go, “oooooohhhhhaaa!” I know I just did. It’s
almost, but not quite, orgasmic. Think about that. A government program called,
“The Wellspring of Life.” That ought to be worth quite a bit of tax money to
fund considering the value of life to some people. Life springs as if from a
well, from the government! I can see people in line just to sign up for it.
I’m going to go off track here for the next one just a
little bit because it isn’t so much the name of a program or speech. It is the
top line of the advertisement for the program, which we can, and will, discuss
more of later. Anyhow, picture this as a commercial for a government program, “Strengthening
working discipline in collective farms.” Isn’t that great? Who in their right
mind would want weak farmers? I know I wouldn’t because I used to be a farmer.
Do you realize how heavy a bushel of apples are? It takes some serious strength and working discipline to
keep picking apples all day in a hot orchard lugging the damned things around.
And if the government is going to help me do it? Heyyy!
And who wouldn’t want a “Great Society”? Only an anti-social
nut job who hates people would be against having a great society. I challenge you
to just let those words, “Great Society,” roll off your tongue for a couple of
minutes and see if it is even possible to keep that positive lilt from coming
into your voice as you say it.
Sometimes life is difficult. Sometimes things just go badly.
And sometimes the people need a “New Deal” to get rid of all the really sucky
things that were included in the various forms of old deals that have collected
over the years. You know what I mean? You get up at four in the morning, s**t,
shower and shave, get in the car, commute to work at the same job you’ve been
doing for the last twenty-three years. You can’t keep up with both the house
payment and child support at the same time so you’re faced with either the bank
taking you to court or your ex-wife taking you to court. Either way, you’re
going to court. Well I’ve got something for you! A New Deal! Who in their right
mind wouldn’t take it given the circumstances?
Who wouldn’t support a government who came up with such good
speeches, policies and programs?
I wouldn’t; that’s who.
The Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution were both
implemented in China by Mao Tse-Tung and led to the estimated deaths of about eighty
million people. Why the estimated number? Because there were just too many bodies to count.
“A New Beginning” was an editorial published by Adolf Hitler on the 26th of February,
1925. The Wellspring of Life was a Nazi program conceived by Heinrich Himmler
to advance the Aryan race by the selective breeding of SS officers.
“Strengthening working discipline in collective farms,” was
a piece of Communist propaganda from when Stalin collectivized the Soviet
farms, basically taking smaller farms from peasant farmers and making them into
bigger farms under the control of the government. The end result of this
program was tens of millions of deaths by starvation and “government compassion”
through their efforts to increase the Soviet food supply.
The Great Society was a program implements by the
administration of Lyndon Johnson. Its attempt was to forever and conclusively end
poverty. How successful it was can be measured by the difference in today’s
poverty levels as compared to the poverty levels of the mid 1960s. To date the
only thing is has really accomplished was to spend over a trillion American tax
dollars with no gain anywhere outside of the authority of the United States
Government. And just look at the poverty today.
The New Deal was a two part attempt by FDR to end the Great
Depression. The first one worked so poorly that upon its failure they decided
to do it again, only more. The Great Depression lasted a bit more than ten
years in the United States but only about two years over the rest of the entire
planet. That’s how effective the New Deal, versions one and two, were at their
stated aims.
So it would seem to be indicative of a general pattern. Take
a program that is based on big government thuggery and give it the kind of name
that makes you think it’s something warm and fuzzy; like you could snuggle up
with it on a Saturday morning in the middle of October when the house seems a
bit chilly. A lot of people, not having the time or motivation, will simply buy
it on the title alone, without even thinking of spending the effort on reading
all twenty four hundred pages of it.
Speaking of which, “The Affordable Care Act” spends truck
loads of money and makes the cold you may catch on a chilly October morning the
direct business of the federal government of the United States. But who in
their right minds would be against affordable health care? Right? Especially
when the cold you just caught could really be a flu or pneumonia. I certainly
don’t want to spend a lot of money on that!
Speaking of warm and fuzzy, there is another liberally named
organization out there called Planned Parenthood. While they aren’t really a
government program, per se, (yeah right, as if) their founder was all about
racial sterilization. But let’s not dwell on that for the moment. Let’s talk
about why the name works as a propaganda issue.
Having an “unexpected” child can be embarrassing, expensive
and sometimes even a compromising situation. In that light most people would
say that a planned parenthood is certainly better than an unplanned parenthood.
It’s just common sense; because nobody wants or supports anything to do with an
unplanned parenthood. But people, in the emotion of the moment, don’t make the
distinction between the phenomenon of a parenthood which is planned, that
is—having kids when you want to, and Planned Parenthood, which was founded on
the idea that wiping out entire races of people was a generally cool thing to
do for people who associated with Nazis in the early part of the last century.
So here it is; The Liberal Technique: Part 1. Pick a really
good name for the evil you are trying to accomplish. You can wipe out millions,
nay, tens of millions of innocent people by picking a really cool name and
people will still defend you. If you’re lucky you may even get a statue. If you
want to kill forty seven million American dog owners, name the program, “The
Defense of Cute, Fuzzy Little Kittens Act,” because everybody likes cute, fuzzy
little kittens. If somebody points out that in the bill, line 37C, of paragraph
1482.574-4B9,7Z-1/2, on page number 2135 of 3517, calls out for the immediate
genocide of millions of American dog owners, just run a commercial saying all Republicans
hate kittens. You’ll win.
The Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution.
A New Beginning.
The Wellspring of Life.
Strengthen working discipline in collective farms.
Follow the links below for the rest of the series:
The Anti-Liberal Techniques: Part One
The Anti-Liberal Techniques: Part Two
The Anti-Liberal Techniques: Part Three
The Anti-Liberal Techniques: Part Four
The Anti-Liberal Techniques: Part Five
The Anti-Liberal Techniques: Part Six
The Anti-Liberal Techniques: Part Seven
Thousand points of light, trickle down theory, and make America great again. I think the conservatives are just as bad.
ReplyDeleteSteve Wadsworth
Can you please name the conservative genocide that is just as bad Steve? Because I can't name a single genocide committed by conservatives. And trickle-down is natural economics; for all of the bogus hype the Socialists have made of it.
DeleteI just need something more specific. These broad generation seem to go hand in hand with all modern politics and seem meaningless.
ReplyDeleteI don't have any of those accounts it is asking me for so I choose anonymous. It does not have a Facebook opinion.
It is the nature of politics to deal in generalities.
DeleteI have given specifics of when and where liberal policy has resulted in extreme national distress, up to and including genocide. I can't find any objective evidence that "A Thousand Points of Light" or "Trickle-down Economics" or "Make America Great Again" have resulted in millions of starving people or genocide.
What is the conservative policy?