Bernie Sanders annoys me. If you know me, that’s to be
expected. The thing that annoys me more than Bernie Sanders is when people
support him, thinking that somehow he would be a good president. That as well,
is to be expected. What is unexpected is the number of seemingly intelligent
people who support him.
It’s easy to see how this could be. I mean hell; he wants to
give everybody everything they want. You want more pay, ask Bernie. You want
more benefits, ask Bernie. You want more money to go to the support of veterans,
ask Bernie. You want equality with the wealthy; Bernie is the man to go to. He’s
like Santa Claus on steroids; without the red suit, reindeer, flying sleigh, and
most importantly, a work shop full of magic elves at the North Pole to provide everything
everybody wants for free.
As fundamentally flawed as the little drawback of, “just
where the hell does the money come from to pay for all of these omnipotent and
omnipresent programs of a cradle to grave federal government,” and how annoying
it is to try and get that through a liberal mind, the impossibility of
Socialism from the fiscal standpoint is not what I want to write about. Yes, yes,
yes, it is impossible to pay for. History has demonstrated it over and over
again. It always looks good to start with because the People are only looking
at what they are being promised. They think there are plenty of filthy rich
people to pay for it. But in the end the rich don’t have enough money to pay
for everybody so rationing begins, the system collapses, everybody riots, the
revolution comes, people die, blah, blah, blah, blah.
These are all good points that have been covered everywhere
by everybody from every angle and most of them are better at covering them than
While all of the above is certainly true I think it misses
the point. Or more accurately it is the least important half of the point.
Socialism’s underlying philosophy is the well known and
sometimes overused, “from each according to his means, to each according to his
needs.” However this is just a wordy description for a means to an end. Take
everything from the producers and give it to the people who most need it. The
stated purpose, assuming that it would work, would theoretically do something
Right now there is a thing going on in society you may have
noticed called, “class envy.” This happens as a result of people who do not
believe they are able to make ample enough wealth on their own, so they want
someone else’s. They feel deprived of things they want and rarely relate their
lack of prosperity to their own lack of productive action. They begin to feel
like they are somehow unfairly unequal to those who have more. These are the
people who Socialism appeals to.
That’s what Socialism does. It tries to make everybody
equal. The ever repeated mantra of the left, “level the playing field,” is
certainly ample evidence of the desired goal. Make everybody equal. That is the
problem. Regardless of all the money involved, and the concept of Socialism
inherently destroys the value of money, it is an undeniable truth of human
nature that everybody is not equal.
I get up in the morning, have a cup of coffee and sometimes pick
up my guitar. I’m not a bad player but not great either. But if everybody was
equal, either I’d be Eddie Van Halen or Eddie Van Halen would be me. But
Socialism doesn’t require aesthetic quality. In other words, while I am not as
good of a guitar player or as hard working as Eddie is, I can still have his
money while being less skilled.
For a man who has an inherent sense of pride in jobs I’ve
done well, I get a little bit insulted when people give me money for not being
as good as I could or should be. Could you even begin to imagine how Eddie
would feel? He gets up, works himself nearly to death to play well, writes
great music, sells a zillion copies and then has to give most of his money to
someone who doesn't work nearly as hard at it! And trust me, there is no way in this life I’m
going to be as good as him.
People are not equal. They pride themselves in their own
unique abilities; especially when they’ve been worked really hard for. They
resent, of their own nature, being treated as if they are the same as everybody
else. As long as they want to believe they are unique, while being treated as
if they are the same, especially if they are very highly skilled or talented at
something, they begin to think what they are doing is less valuable. That’s
what ultimately destroys the value of the money in a Socialist system, so there can never be enough of it.
Then, in order for Socialism to work according to its
designers, a system of government has to be imposed with the authority to make
certain everybody stays equal. Consider that for a moment. Eddie Van Halen
would have a government authority over him to make sure he didn’t get too good
for everybody else. You would have the same government authority over you,
being equal to Van Halen, wouldn’t you? And under penalty of law you could not
be better than everybody else whether you play guitar or not.
So the bottom line is, Socialism will never ever work. It didn’t matter when Lenin tried it. It didn’t
matter when Hitler tried it. It won’t matter if Bernie or Hillary tries it. It
doesn’t matter how much force the government uses to make people comply. It won’t
matter a hill of beans how smart Barack is. Albert Einstein couldn’t have made
it work, even if he had wanted to try, because it ignores the mechanical
physics of human nature. Any government or system of economics would only work
if it first takes into account what people naturally are as opposed to trying
to make them into something else.
We are not the same.
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