I announced my run for the presidency in 2016 I also announced the formation of a
new political party to support myself and other candidates who may be like me;
dedicated to the following of the United States Constitution. The name of this
party is hereby officially the, I Will
Follow The Constitution Party, or abbreviated the IWFTCP. I also think it
necessary to produce a set of rules for those who wish to join my political
party. That is the purpose of this post.
Here at the I Will Follow The Constitution Party there is
really only one hard and fast rule. You must, in all things related to the
federal government of the United States, without apology or excuse, follow, and
insist that all members of the federal government, as well as those running for
federal office, follow the Constitution of the United States, in context, and
as it is written. Okay, that's a rather complicated sentence so the short
version is that you must follow the Constitution. Always.
That's it. There are no other rules, restrictions,
qualifications, or any of that other tripe that other political parties engage
in to try to force you to comply with the values of their life. There is no
"moderate" or "conservative" or "liberal" or any
other thing like that here. It's completely binary; Constitution one hundred
percent with no alternative. We here at the IWFTCP, while being supportive, or
not, of whatever other values you do or don't have, don't give a rat's ass for
whatever else you believe, or not. Or maybe we do, but it's none of our
freaking business anyway, because we only have one business—the following of
the United States Constitution.
Membership is the easiest thing in the world because
there is nobody who is going to enforce it on you. All you have to do to join
my political party is say, "I Will Follow The Constitution," and sincerely mean it. If you don't mean
it, you're out by your own considerations. If you do mean it you are a full
member in good standing with honors. There are no dues to pay. Don't send me
any money because I don't want it. However, if you wish to pay some dues
anyway, join the military, and when you take the oath and come to the part
about supporting and defending, "the Constitution from all enemies,
foreign and domestic," mean it with
all of your heart, and as far as the IWFTCP goes, your dues will be fully
paid with the highest of honors and a lifetime membership.
Now as voluntary members taking on the burdens of the
IWFTCP, there are some things that need to be done if we are to be successful
in our singular goal. I've narrowed it down to ten things we have to be aware
of and do at all times if we are to put this country back on track with the
Constitution. These ten things are somewhat axiomatic and philosophical, while
at the same time completely secular, so they should violate nobody's religious
interests. These are not rules, per se, because there is really only one rule;
follow the Constitution. I offer them merely as suggestions of things an IWFTCP
member in good standing could, or perhaps should, do to keep the Constitution
1. You should have the correct Constitution. I know, I
know. It's very basic but that's what the Constitution is about. You have to
have the Constitution of the United States rather than the Constitution of say,
Russia or France. (Could someone please
tell Justice Ginsburg this?) The current version of the U.S., consisting of
twenty-seven amendments is available many places on line and in many forms.
There are also little pocket Constitutions, sometimes with the Declaration of
Independence, that you can get pretty cheap from most anyplace that sells
books. I have a PDF right here on my desktop. Were it a hardcopy it would have
been worn out and replaced several times over, given all the times I've
referred to it.
2. You should know the Constitution. Okay, you don't have to memorize it, verbatim and in
full. Just read it enough to get the wheels greased. That way, for example,
when some politician says to you, "healthcare," your BS detector goes
off and informs you that there is no federal power in the Constitution to do
anything whatsoever about it, and anything that they are doing about it is
treasonous against the Constitution. In my own humble estimation Article One,
Sections Eight and Nine, plus a very clear understanding of the Tenth Amendment,
should give you almost everything you need to know about the things the federal
government is and is not allowed to do.
3. You should know the Constitution is correct. This is
probably the most difficult part of it because there has to be some historical
understanding to back it up. Otherwise it becomes a faith rather than something
that can be proven, argued or observed. While I tend to back people of faith up
fully, a person's intangible belief is a weaker argument for convincing a
non-believer than clearly demonstrable facts. There is the additional problem,
which I will not expound upon too much here, that several of the amendments are
themselves violations of the Constitution. In short, however, any amendment
that contains words to the effect of, "Congress shall have power to
enforce this article by appropriate legislation," are clear violations of
the Tenth Amendment and should be repealed, with those powers transferred to
the States.
But I digress. The point is that the Constitution is a
limitation on the powers of federal government to interfere with the business
of the State or the individual lives of the People. Within that context there
is a maximal amount of individual freedom with a minimal amount of interference
from the federal government. It could be said to be axiomatic that, "less
government equals more fun." That is the point of the Constitution.
Through knowing and observing this to be true you can also know that the
Constitution is as correct as any governmental philosophy that has ever existed
on this planet.
4. You should teach correctly the correct Constitution.
That's an uphill battle for sure! And it
requires the most patience. There is so much false data about it in
circulation that it boggles the mind to try to comprehend it all. For example,
have you ever heard that the Constitution says that, "black people are
only three fifths of a person"? Wrong, false, not even close to what it
actually says. Well, let this serve as an example of how to teach correctly the
correct Constitution. Open up your copy of the Constitution, hopefully obtained
in step one above, to Article One, Section Two. Read the words that are
actually there. Don't take someone else's word for it, even mine. Look at what
it says. Got it?
That's how it's done. Don't tell them what it means. Above
all don't argue with them or be a troll about it. Make them read it and
understand it for themselves. If they don't understand the words get them a
dictionary and teach them what the words mean. But they must read the words
from the actual Constitution for themselves and understand them. If you can get
them to demonstrate that understanding, so much the better.
Occasionally it will happen that there is some background
needed to fill in the gaps. The Framers of the Constitution didn't explain within
the actual text exactly what they were talking about in all cases. For these
instances I recommend only two historical sources; The Federalist Papers, and James
Madison's notes on the Constitutional Convention. Don't go to any other source
with a "more modern interpretation." They are almost all pure bunk.
5. You should apply the Constitution. This is where
elections come in. It is none of my business whom you support for any office.
But if you are a member of the IWFTCP in good standing (by your own
consideration) you should never, never,
vote for someone who will not follow the Constitution. What I do is go down a
prospective candidate's web page, with Constitution in hand, and look at what
he or she is proposing to do with federal power. If I can't find anything in
the actual text of the Constitution to support what they suggest as a use for
federal power, I mark them off my list and never look back. Such a person, who
would not follow the Constitution while holding federal office, is committing
treason against their oath and the Constitution. Period.
Draw the line in the sand and don't cross it for any
reason. More importantly, let them and their supporters know that's what you
are doing. It's about supply and demand in that sense. If we demand it, sooner or later someone will have to supply it or face political
oblivion. This is a movement we are trying to start here. Do not for any reason support someone who will
not follow the Constitution.
6. You should see that the Constitution is correctly
applied. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of issues this can be applied
to. An example (and it is just an example) of this would be the so-called,
"marriage equality rights." Now for those of you who are rather hot
headed on this subject, I would ask that you take a momentary step back, count
to ten, a hundred, a thousand, or whatever it takes, and read this part of my
text above again: "We here at the IWFTCP, while being supportive, or not,
of whatever other values you do or don't have, don't give a rat's ass for
whatever else you believe, or not. Or maybe we do, but it's none of our
freaking business anyway, because we only have one business—the following of
the United States Constitution."
The FACT is that the federal government has absolutely
no, none, zero, zip, nada, power to affect marriage rights or equality at all.
This kind of power is just not in the Constitution except as in the Tenth
Amendment where all things of that nature are left to the States and the People.
It is none of the federal government's business who, or how, you, as a
consenting adult, choose to relate to any other consenting adult. I would also
say that it is none of any
government's business to insert itself into any person's personal relationships
anywhere, anytime, for any reason. But that's just me. What you believe is up
to you. And if you think a local or State government should have that kind of
power it is beside the point of this article to comment on it. The IWFTCP is
only concerned with federal power and State power as described in the
Constitution. Your morals are your own, as it is you that has to live with the
responsibility and consequences.
So when the Supreme Court issues a decree (again, for
example) that States have to recognize marriage equality because the Fourteenth
Amendment (one of them that is unconstitutional anyway) says, "blah, blah,
blah, blah," you should know the Constitution is not being correctly
applied and take whatever legal and peaceful actions you can to correct it, or
nullify it.
7. You should hammer out of existence unconstitutional
laws. To be blunt here; every federal or State law (where State laws apply to
it) that are not specifically mentioned as an appropriate power in some
Article, Section or Clause of the Constitution has to go. Obamacare? Bye bye!
Welfare? Hasta la vista baby! And for those who want to repeal and replace
Obamacare; really? Please! Any replacement would be just as unconstitutional!
There are some very difficult ones here. Sorry folks.
There is just nothing in the Constitution about Social Security, Medicare and
Medicaid. Now before you recoil in horror at the propaganda possibility of
throwing grandma off the cliff, these are programs that a lot of people have
paid into as a result of forceful and unconstitutional federal laws. This is
debt that the federal government owes on the promises that they made to people
who contributed to these programs. To not pay that money back, or give
appropriate value in return for it, would be just as unconstitutional as
continuing those programs. It is for people who are more number oriented than I
to figure out the exact specifics as to how to do it. Nonetheless, those sorts
of programs must end with fair value given for any money taken.
8. We should knock out incorrect applications of the
Constitution. When some dolt of a politician says something like, "the
General Welfare Clause gives us the authority to take money from some rich guy
and give it to some poor guy," you should know full well that he's talking
about an incorrect application of the Constitution. Look at what the General
Welfare Clause actually says please, and do whatever you can to oppose this
person. When a judge or justice says, "according to Muckenfutch vs Duschebag the Commerce Clause
means that a chicken farmer in Ohio can't grow his own chickenfeed because it
affects prices across state lines," know that that justice or judge is a
domestic enemy and oppose him. There are thousands of these kinds of things. At
least we won't be bored.
9. We should close the door on any possibility of unconstitutional
laws. "How do I do that?" you might be inclined to ask. Well I've got
an answer for you. Don't vote for anybody for Congress, or the presidency, who
suggests, proposes or has done anything not within constitutional power. And if
someone gets in who does propose something unconstitutional, kindly, or not,
inform them of their overt act and let them know that you will never vote for
them again. No compromises. You cannot compromise with treason. Ever. Again you
must inform them wherever possible that that's what you are doing.
This one only differs from number five above, in that in
number five it is you who is following the Constitution. Whereas here in number
nine, you are demanding that they follow the Constitution.
10. We should close the door on incorrect applications of
the Constitution. This answer on this one is just about the same as the last
one. It would apply more specifically to the appointing judges and justices who
support the Constitution, and eliminating any who don't, as much as electing
members of Congress or the presidency.
That's it. That's what I think we should do to keep the
Constitution working.
You can reasonably expect that at first our take on this
will be looked upon as "stubborn" and "unpopular." If this
kind of thing scares you I invite you to take a good long look at what being
"flexible" and "accepted" has gotten us, and tell me that
that isn't even more terrifying. It is only our freedom and the existence of
the United States at stake. There can be no reasonable compromise with treason
against the Constitution, and it should be well understood that that is exactly
what we are talking about here.
In the IWFTCP there is no such thing as, "in name
only." You either do it or you don't.
I hope you decide to do it.
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